Current Events

Thursday, October 17, 2024


The fear of phobias. Phobias are actually quite common, affecting more than 10% of the U.S. population. Phobias are the most common mental disorder in the United States, but far more women than men are affected by phobias. In many cases, people are able to recognize that their fear is irrational and therefore take steps to overcome their phobia. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, only about 10 percent of reported cases become life-long phobias.

Use this list to solve the 'Phobia Puzzle' before your classmates.

How are Phobias named?  Check their greek and latin roots.

Create 3 new 'phobias' of your own and define them. For example...."Ebolaphobia:" the fear of contracting Ebola.

Or do you suffer from 'Verbophobia:' the fear of words?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Odds of Dying

Take a look at this list of ways you could die and rank them from 'greatest risk' (#1) to 'least risk (#30).

Corona, Heart Attack, Suicide, Drowning, Bicycle Accident,  Lightning Strike, Vaping, Body Piercing, Stroke, Plane Crash, Terrorist Attack, Robot Car,  Nuclear Bomb, AIDS, Skin Cancer, Dog Bite, Car Accident, Tornado, Contact Sports (football, soccer), Shooting, Asthma, 4-Wheeler, Suffocation, Drug Overdose, Earthquake, Underage Drinking, Snake Bite, Asteroid, Falling Down, Mr. Kelly Attack

1) Fear of death is a natural human emotion; but are we misjudging our risks?

2) What should we be most afraid of?  Why aren't we?

3) According to recent reports what is the #1 cause of death in Butler County and what is being done to prevent it?

Listen to the song 'People Who Died.'   Should we fear the reaper?

Monday, October 14, 2024

The Great Refusal

Few reporters proclaim their convictions.  Fewer still act on them to serve what they believe to be the greater good.  In times of profound moral crisis, most reporters make the 'Great Refusal.'  The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

In his poem 'Inferno'  Dante tours the underworld and sees a swarm of anguished souls barred from heaven and hell doomed to limbo.  They are the neutrals, whose lives meant nothing because they refused to commit themselves.  They have all made what Dante calls the 'Great Refusal.'

Take the Inferno Test to see which level of Hell you would be banished to.  Do you agree?  Share your comments in our Google Class comments.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fear Factor!

Since the first silent films, through the 'Golden Age' of Hollywood, the horror movie genre has been one of the most popular and profitable.

Use what you've learned about fear mongering and the link below to make your own movie poster for a 'FNORD' taken from today's headlines.

1) Find an example of a 'FNORD' (fear mongering) in the news.

2) Search images for your poster.  'Control Save' them to your desktop.

3) Make your own movie poster.  Be sure to include taglines, credits, and movie rating.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Fear Mongering

A "fnord" is a pop-culture term used to describe something in the news media that subconsciously generates a feeling of uneasiness and confusion, preventing rationality, and creating fear. The term originally comes from conspiracy theorists who claim we are surrounded by 'fnords' every day and that the governments of the world are using them to control us.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


Citizen Kane was a brutal portrait of newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst. When Hearst learned through Hopper of Welles' film, he set out to protect his reputation by shutting the film down. Hollywood executives, led by Louis B. Mayer, rallied around Hearst, attempting to buy Citizen Kane in order to burn the negative. At the same time, Hearst's defenders moved to intimidate exhibitors into refusing to show the movie. Threats of blackmail, smears in the newspapers, and FBI investigations were used in the effort.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Goldilocks Number

Once upon a time---  November 2005--- someone said a very SCARY number...

What was it? Read Chapter 5 in the book (pgs. 49- 55) to find out.