Happy Superhero Day!
Do you recognize a superhero when you look one in the face? Do you think such men and women truly exist? If not, then look. And think again.
Indeed, there is a real subculture of genuine heroes, that bridge the gap between the fantastic and the practical. Anonymous and selfless, they choose every day, to make a difference in the world around them. Whether it be feeding the hungry, comforting the sick, or cleaning up their neighborhoods, they save real lives in very real ways. These are not “kooks in costumes,” as they may seem at first glance. They are, simply put, a radical response… to a radical problem.
So who are these modern day heroes? They are our neighbors, our friends, our family members. They are artists, musicians, athletes, and yes, politicians. Their actions serve as reminders that as most giving today has become reactive—digital and removed, temporarily soothing our guilt and feelings of helplessness—we have blinded ourselves to simple principles and practice of compassion and goodwill.
1) If you could have any superpower what would it be? Why?
3) Why are superhero stories so popular?
4) What makes a person a superhero? Is it the costume or the cape?
5) How do these guys make a difference? Does everyone approve?