Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Fiscal Ship

The Fiscal Ship challenges you to put the federal budget on a sustainable course. Measured as a share of gross domestic product, the federal debt is higher than at any time since the end of World War II and projected to climb to unprecedented levels. America is looking at a permanent, growing mismatch between revenues and spending, and policymakers are faced with difficult decisions about how to reconcile important government priorities—including retirement and health benefits promised to the growing number of old folks—with the tax revenues that the current tax code will yield. Today’s tax code won’t yield enough revenue to pay for basic services of government plus the retirement and health benefits promised to the growing number of old folks. So your mission is to pick from a menu of tax and spending options to reduce the debt from projected levels over the next 25 years. Small changes to spending and taxes won’t suffice. The choices are difficult, but the goal is achievable.

Were you able to keep your 'Fiscal Ship' afloat? What were your goals? What was the key to your success?  What difficult decisions did you have to make?  Why is balancing the budget so complicated? 

*Songs of the Sea.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Debt Clock

What is a Budget?
A budget is a financial document used to project future income and expenses. The budgeting process may be carried out by individuals, companies, or governments to estimate projected income and expenses.

The process for preparing a budget includes:

* Listing of all sources of income
* Listing of all required, fixed expenses, like rent/mortgage, utilities, phone
* Listing of other possible and variable expenses.

Use the sheet given to you in class to plan your own Budget for the week.
Can you balance your Wants vs. your Needs?

How can we expect the Federal Government to balance the budget when most Americans are in debt?

Is it American to be in debt?

Are you ready for a Credit Card?

Monday, September 27, 2021

Border Crisis


A United States Border Patrol agent on horseback tried to stop a Haitian migrant from entering an encampment on the banks of the Rio Grande near the Acuna Del Rio International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas, on Sept. 19. Related Article.

If you were an adviser to the White House, which approach would you recommend:
-stronger policies that would deter people from trying to cross the border

-a more welcoming stance that emphasizes U.S. humanitarian obligations to migrants fleeing economic hardship, political instability and violence.

