Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Ron Tammen: The Phantom of Oxford

On Sunday, April 19, 1953, at 8:30-ish in the evening, Ronald H. Tammen, Jr., disappeared from his second-floor room in Fisher Hall on Miami University’s campus in Oxford, Ohio. He left everything behind — his wallet, his string bass, his car, his clothing, even his toothbrush. No one could figure out what happened to Tammen. Miami University officials were mystified, the Oxford PD outwitted, the FBI flummoxed. Since the spring of 2010, I’ve been conducting my own search for Tammen and what his disappearance might tell us about this enigmatic 19-year-old who landed himself squarely in the middle of one of the most bedeviling mysteries ever to hit the state of Ohio.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Be Afraid....

....be very afraid!

Since the first silent films, through the 'Golden Age' of Hollywood, the horror movie genre has been one of the most popular and profitable.

Use what you've learned about fear mongering and the link below to make your own movie poster for a 'FNORD' taken from today's headlines.

1) Find an example of a 'FNORD' (fear mongering) in the news.

2) Search images for your poster.  'Control Save' them to your desktop.

3) Make your own movie poster.  Be sure to include taglines, credits, and movie rating.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Odds of Dying

Take a look at this list of ways you could die and rank them from 'greatest risk' (#1) to 'least risk (#30).

Corona, Heart Attack, Suicide, Drowning, Bicycle Accident,  Lightning Strike, Vaping, Body Piercing, Stroke, Plane Crash, Terrorist Attack, Robot Car,  Nuclear Bomb, AIDS, Skin Cancer, Dog Bite, Car Accident, Tornado, Contact Sports (football, soccer), Shooting, Asthma, 4-Wheeler, Suffocation, Drug Overdose, Earthquake, Underage Drinking, Snake Bite, Asteroid, Falling Down, Mr. Kelly Attack

1) Fear of death is a natural human emotion; but are we misjudging our risks?

2) What should we be most afraid of?  Why aren't we?

3) According to recent reports what is the #1 cause of death in Butler County and what is being done to prevent it?

Listen to the song 'People Who Died.'   Should we fear the reaper?

Fear Mongering

A "fnord" is a pop-culture term used to describe something in the news media that subconsciously generates a feeling of uneasiness and confusion, preventing rationality, and creating fear. The term originally comes from conspiracy theorists who claim we are surrounded by 'fnords' every day and that the governments of the world are using them to control us.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Media and WWIII

The world is watching much of the violence between Israel and Hamas through traditional media and broadcasts. But millions also are getting their information through social media. Many posts are spreading misinformation or outright lies and criticism is being directed at the platform X, formerly known as Twitter, and its owner Elon Musk. Laura Barrón-López discussed more with Emerson Brooking.

1) With their Israel coverage, are the media trying to start World War III? Why/ Not?

2) How has cutting-edge tech is helping — and hurting — our attempts at understanding an already complex conflict?

3) What would/ should the media do differently?

4) Why is media bias in this case so dangerous?

Monday, October 16, 2023

How to Spot Bias in the Media and Fight It

(What is the real secret of Soylent Green?

Bias is hard to avoid, but it can be really damaging - leading us to make poor choices without fairly weighing up the facts. 

As human beings, we all bring a point of view into the world, and that point of view colors how we learn about and interact with it. This is built up from the moment we are born and will continue to evolve until we die. With that in mind, we should always be aware that we cannot react to anything in a completely objective manner.

That same logic holds true for media. All news outlets are organizations and made up of people. This means that editors, reporters, commentators, and researchers that work in journalism bring their point of view to work with them every day, and it is borderline impossible for them to completely separate themselves from the stories they report. It is therefore logical to assume that even the hardest news will be colored, to a certain extent, by the person reporting it. At a microlevel, when looking at a story, this point of view can manifest itself in a variety of ways that we should be on the lookout for:

Value as fact: In softer news, the presenter might attempt to pass off their beliefs as fact. This is especially true of punditry and opinion sections (think Tucker Carlson, Rachel Maddow, Sean Hannity, or Stephen Colbert) where the presenter is often attempting to confirm their own worldview and make that worldview more presentable to the consumer. If a worldview or set of values is stated, we should automatically be on the lookout for bias in how the story is presented.

Presentation of the facts: In hard news, it’s important to keep an eye on how the facts are presented. Were questions left unanswered? Was information omitted that could have been vital to building a clear picture of events?

Credibility and accuracy of sourcing: Did the story source a diverse array of credible viewpoints and make the effort to flesh out who or what they are and put the information gleaned from them in context? The less you notice this in a story, the more on guard you should be for bias.

Cherry-picking: How are sources represented in the story? Are they analyzed in depth or just at a glance?

Sensationalism: Does the language in the headline or body provoke an emotional response? If it does, it’s likely that you’re consuming something intentionally biased and seeking to elicit that reaction to further the agenda of its author.

Commentary: Does the story draw a specific conclusion? Do they tell you in the presentation of facts whether they judge a source to be credible or portray them in a positive or negative light? In general, we should be skeptical of any reporting that attempts to pass judgement on a source. It may be accurate, but further research will be needed on the part of the consumers to independently confirm this judgement for themselves.

Fighting BIAS can be even harder than detecting it, especially when we already have strong preconceived opinions...