Solid Rock (Big Butter Jesus) Church in Monroe, visible from Interstate 75, continued to hold public worship services Sunday despite a request not to from the Butler County Health Department.
Bringing together a large number of people during a pandemic increases the pace at which the Coronavirus spreads, overwhelming our hospital systems, posing a significant risk to members within the congregation, and the public at large.
The church issued a statement saying, “As Christians, we are charged by Jesus Christ to obey the laws of our land. Therefore, if the laws of our nation should ever change with respect to our First Amendment right to assemble, thereby restricting us from having our church doors open, we will willingly comply."
Read the rest of the article and then answer these questions on Googleclass.
1) What do you think? Should the church be allowed to continue services despite the obvious health risk? If you were the Governor would you shut them down? Why or why not?
2) Should church be considered an 'essential business?' What about liquor stores? What businesses are truly essential? Which are not?
2) Should church be considered an 'essential business?' What about liquor stores? What businesses are truly essential? Which are not?
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