Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Exponential Times

We live in an 'information age' and yet the more informed we are the less we seem to know. Watch this video and then answer the questions below.

1.) Do you believe that the last statement about the New York Times is a good or a bad thing? Why or why not?

2.) Is there such a thing as ‘news overload’? (Getting exposed to too much news). How might this affect how people view their news sources?

3.) Twenty years ago, the primary form of the news was the newspaper. Today, the primary sources are websites. How might this change in your lifetime? (Example – getting the news from social networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

4.) How has technology changed in your lifetime? In what ways have these changes been good or bad?

5.) How have these changes affected the way you communicate (both through oral and written language)?

6.) Predict three technological advances  that you believe may happen in the next twenty years that will affect how we communicate with one another.

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